Our services.

  • Botox.

    Although botox is probably the most popular anti-aging injectable out there, you would be suprised how many areas (including the lower face) can be improved by the proper amount of botox injected into the appropriate muscles.

    Areas that can be injected include the forehead, glabella (region between the brows), crows feet, temples, masseters (jaw), lip, chin, neck, and underarms.

    Whether you simply want to reduce the appearance of your wrinkles or get down to the nitty gritty of a gummy smile, botox works wonders in the various muscles to help you achieve that confidence to look and feel your best. For more extensive information on botox please read Vanessa’s blog or visit botoxcosmetic.com

  • Filler.

    Allow Vanessa’s real artistry to shine with her placement of dermal filler. Areas that can be injected include the cheeks, chin, jawline, lips, marionettes, nasolabial folds, nose, and her ultimate favorite area; tear troughs!

    Vanessa uses a variety of fillers to achieve her before and after results. She will consult with you to ensure that you will achieve your best results with her filler of choice. Before and afters can be seen in the gallery tab. Consider the choice of filler like the paint, the choice needle like a paintbrush, and your face as the beautiful canvas. Not all artists are the same. Injection techniqes vary greatly between injectors, and Vanessa takes much pride in her artistry and developed technique over the years.

  • Sculptra.

    Sculptra is a great option for more mature clients who don’t necessarily want filler to add volume and structure, but rather want a skin booster that stimulates both collagen and elastin to enhance texture and tone. Sculptra is made of injectable poly-L-lactic-acid, which gently stimulates collagen and elastin production upon absportion of this acid by the body.

    Sculptra can be injected into both the midface and the lower face (including the nasolabial folds and jowls) as well as the neck, chest, knees, thighs, and buttocks. The best results are seen 3 months after two consecutive treatments. Results last up to 5 years. For more information please visit sculptrausa.com

  • PDO Threads.

    Threading is a popular alternative treatment for collagen and elastin production. The threads are made of polydioxanone, which takes the shape of a surgical suture. These sutures are embedded onto a needle that is released upon the placement of the needle into the skin. The thread is left in place underneath the skin and dissolves over a 6 month time period.

    PDO threads can also be used to lift and tighten the skin. Although this treatment is a little more invasive, it gives beautiful and long lasting results. Vanessa will explain the different types of threads and determine which one is the best to help achieve your anti-aging goals. For more information please visit mintpdo.com

  • Plasma.

    Have you ever seen liquid gold? This is in fact how valuable your plasma is in terms of your anti-aging goals! Vanessa will take a blood draw and spin your sample into a centrifuge, which separates your plasma from your red blood cells. The plasma is then injected into various areas of the face, neck, chest, and hair to stimulate natural collagen and elastin production.

    Plasma is a great option for those who take on a more holistic and natural approach to anti-aging, as your own product is used to heal and stimulate your skin. Whether you are prompting hair growth or trying to battle acne scars, plasma is a great option for you. Vanessa recommends a series of at least 4 consecutive treatments to achieve your best results.

  • Lipolytics.

    Kybella is an injectable made of deoxycholic acid, which is injected into the subcutaneous fat layer to dissolve unwanted areas of fat. Kybella works by permanently destroying fat cells, and once those fat cells are gone, they never come back!

    Kybella is FDA approved for underneath the chin. It is also used throughout the jawline to destroy the fat cells that are in the way of achieving a chisled jaw. The best results are achieved 3 months after two consecutive treatments of kybella. Treatment plans vary, so you must consult with Vanessa to determine if you are a good candidate for kybella. For more information please visit mykybella.com

    Medical procedure pricing for all injectable services are not listed online.

  • Weight Loss Injections; Semaglutide & Tirzepatide

    Injections include the options of semaglutide or tirzepatide for weight loss. This involves a weekly subcutaneous injection for 8-12 weeks. This service aims to assist patients with their weight management goals. A consultation is required and results are not guaranteed as these injections are a designed to complement a healthy lifestyle, proper diet, and exercise.