What is Sculptra?

Sculptra (poly-L-lactic acid) is a biostimulant used in aesthetic medicine to stimulate collagen production and restore facial volume lost due to aging or other causes. Unlike traditional dermal fillers, which provide immediate volume by placing a substance directly under the skin, Sculptra works over time to encourage the body’s own natural collagen production. This distinction sets Sculptra apart from hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers commonly used for instant correction of facial wrinkles or volume loss.

How does it work?

Sculptra is composed of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a synthetic material that is biocompatible (safe for use in the body) and biodegradable. PLLA has been used in medical devices like dissolvable stitches for many years. Here’s a breakdown of its mechanism:

Injection: Sculptra is injected into the deeper layers of the skin, typically in areas where volume loss has occurred (e.g., cheeks, temples).

Stimulation of Collagen: After injection, the poly-L-lactic acid microparticles stimulate fibroblasts (skin cells) to produce new collagen. This process takes several weeks or months.

Gradual Results: As the body produces more collagen, the skin regains volume, and fine lines or deeper wrinkles become less visible. Results are gradual and typically become apparent after 2-3 months and last up to 2-3 years.

Biodegradation: Over time, the PLLA particles are absorbed by the body and naturally broken down, leaving behind new collagen.

What does it do?

Restores Volume: Sculptra is primarily used to restore facial volume loss, often in the cheeks, temples, jawline, and around the mouth.

Smooths Wrinkles: While it is not used for superficial fine lines, it can soften deeper facial folds and wrinkles, like nasolabial folds (smile lines).

Enhances Skin Texture: By stimulating collagen production, Sculptra can improve overall skin texture, firmness, and elasticity over time.

Long-Lasting Effects: Results typically last up to 2-3 years, which is longer than most hyaluronic acid fillers.

What’s the difference between sculptra and filler?

Immediate vs. Gradual Results:

• Dermal fillers provide instant volume after injection and are ideal for immediate correction.

• Sculptra, on the other hand, works gradually as it stimulates the body to produce collagen. The results emerge over weeks to months.


• Sculptra results typically last much longer (up to 2-3 years) compared to hyaluronic acid fillers (6-18 months).

Treatment Goal:

• Sculptra is suited for larger areas of volume loss and overall facial rejuvenation, often used in people with generalized facial atrophy or for gradual facial contouring.

• Dermal fillers are often used for localized corrections, such as enhancing lips, filling nasolabial folds, or smoothing out fine wrinkles.

Procedure Frequency:

• Sculptra usually requires a series of treatments spaced weeks apart for optimal results, while dermal fillers typically need just one session.


Sculptra differs from traditional fillers by offering a gradual, long-lasting solution for volume loss through collagen stimulation. It is more appropriate for those seeking subtle, natural changes over time rather than immediate volumization. For fine lines or immediate correction, hyaluronic acid fillers may be more appropriate. Sculptra is ideal for patients looking for deep facial rejuvenation and restoration of structure with long-term effects.